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English Gaelic Particle Verb form in past/present Verb form in future
who nothing or nach independent relative future
what (a) optional or nach independent relative future
How Ciamar a/nach independent relative future
Why Carson a/nach independent relative future
When Cuin a/nach independent relative future
Where Caite (am/an) optional or nach dependent dependent
How much Cò mheud1
or Cia mheud
a/nach independent relative future
Who has Cò aig a/nach independent relative future
Who owns Cò leis2 a/nach independent relative future
How old (What age) Dè an aois a/nach independent relative future
What kind/What sort Dè seòrsa X a/nach independent relative future

1 If it takes a noun complement, the noun must be singular: Cò mheud cù a tha agad)

2 Cò leis also means "with whom" and "with what"


See also



Fisher, Muriel (2004) Scottish Gaelic Level 1. Seattle: Each-Mara Publications.